
The Probable Shape Of Things To Come

Possibly prophetic, maybe realistic fiction...I guess time will tell...


Thanks in advance Neo Cons...(and that is some Chandler from friends sarcasm to help desensitise us back into the warm glow of plasma tv escapism)

Over the course of the past few decades, America shipped most of it's industry to China because 'stuff could get made cheaper'. The economy declined and continues to. In 2004, China & Iran signed one of the largest oil and gas deals since sliced bread...

You know how to the rest of the world, watching the Superbowl, makes you wonder how it's possible for anyone to get so 'pumped' and 'whoop' into mental regression, upon being given a foam hand that reads something like 'Budweiser, You can't beat rubbish beer and being used to large crowds, so that Fema camps don't seem so alien'? Well China, I imagine, along with various anti-american allies who have also signed oil deals with Iran, will be the complete opposite of those cheering on 'any given sunday', should america go through with what's expected.

Here's possible president John McCain scaring the living crap out of everyone else in the world who isn't a republican fucktard (I made that word up all by myself)

Here's not-possible president Hilary Clinton scaring the living crap out of everyone etc etc etc ...democrat fucktard

I know this is american politics and I'm English, but it gets to the point where this ceases to be about nations, this unfortunately is a worldwide concern.

Here's Obama making a comment about Iran that makes you think 'ahh...maybe the world might be ok', but then you realise that it's just more spin and that in fact, he's just another puppet for the 'Demopublicans' (I just made that up too, as I can't really tell the difference at this stage...) manifesto.

It might be worth checking out this with regards to Obama's credentials. Surely his foreign policy advisor can't be a certain Zbigniew Brzezinski, who founded the Tri-Lateral Commission alongside David Rockefeller (imagine limitless paragraphs that mention how the Rockefellars, Prescott Bush etc helped fund Nazi Germany for yourself, otherwise we could be here for hours...).

The irony being with regards to China's interest in Iran, is that I doubt, unless they've been stockpiled, those large foam hands will cease to be exported from the 'peoples republic of...' should an event like the aforementioned take place...oh well, no more 'whooping', no more fun...

Oh yeah, 1 in 100 americans are in prison and California wants to build 53,000 more prison beds. I wonder why that is...

The Third Reich never lost WW2, it just changed continents...


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