
Dead Scenes

I've decided to self title this post, because the subject matter is something dear to my heart and we'll only have ourselves to blame when it's too late.

Due to our desire for food and the modern world not being able to control it's gluttony, the ocean is on the brink of a species collapse (please check this link out). Sharks are killed in their millions for their meat, largely their fins which apparently doesn't taste of anything and is only used as a thickener in soups. Sharks are finned alive and thrown back into the waters where they sink and eventually die.

You may not eat shark meat or shark fin soup, but if you eat ocean life of any kind, you're contributing in more ways than you'd ever possibly want to think about or admit, because the need perpetuates the demand. The older I get, the less understanding I'm becoming with matters like this. I don't get it, I really don't. We're happy to view these creatures that have been on this planet longer than we have through glass screens in aquariums and marvel at their size and their beauty, yet when it comes down to it, we'd rather bury our heads in the sand and be able to clink our champagne glasses as we regale in the price per pound of food we're eating, just so we can fit in and aspire to be above the class we're in. Hey ho...

If you get a chance to watch the film Sharkwater, please do. I saw it at the end of 2007 when I was living in Brisbane, but I refrained from posting something because I really don't like stating the obvious (i.e ranting). Today, after seeing the article on the possible extinction of a species I've been fascinated with since a child, I decided I would (rant that is, albeit moderately I hope). It's an incredible, informative and heart-wrenching film. Here's the trailer

Also, check out Sea Shepherd. Captain Paul Watson is an absolute inspiration. He makes me feel humbled by just how absolutely badass he is. Long may he continue to destroy any ocean fishing vessel and prevent whaling at any cost. Fuck the humans. You crossed the line...(wow...).

Nina and me have started jogging. It's early days, but eventually I'd like to compete in a half marathon/marathon of sorts. If I do, I'll be raising money for Sea Shepherd, so get your money ready (realistically you'll have a long time to sort this, so I'll just continue to make periodic donations in the mean time...).

That's it.


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