
Swandive BC

When I was in Australia, as mentioned in previous posts, I played in a band called Swandive. This is the video of the last gig we did. It easily ranks as one of the top 5 gigs I've ever played in my musical life. The whole night was blast and fuelled with 'punk' exuberance from the start. Literally a minute or so before we played, a guy punched a friend of ours Stu in the face, cue Nick (in a drunken moment of 'this is a great idea' thought process) hurling a pint glass at the the offenders head. Thankfully it missed and just hit the wall. The guy ran out of the club with Nick in tow leaving the rest of us to just look at each other and shrug. It was smoothed over when I imagine the fresh air allowed the realisation to kick in, so Nick returned, still a little pissed off, and enabled us to all play one of the most fun gigs I've ever been involved in. It was all over in 10 minutes too. But then that's sometimes the best way. The proverbial short and sweet. Playing in this band, although it being temporary and consisting of only 4 gigs, made me remember why I love playing music. It was just so much fun and I will be forever thankful to them for letting me be a part. Cheers wicked dudes.



This Boys Life said...

Yes! Cue Kevin running across a pile of humans at 3:19. Good times.

Anonymous said...

I move things.

nicklucasbc said...

The best of times, the blurst of times! Reunion show, 2010?

Ryan Sim said...

Woo! Can we do it again in London?