
Blackwater? There's Nobody Here Called Blackwater...

...well they changed their name to XE (pronounced 'Zee'). Maybe this is just so people can put on mock germanic accents when they hear the sound of boots on concrete and be able to say 'Ze private military are ear to bost down our door', it'll certainly lighten the mood somewhat and take the tension out of the situation. Although apparently it's because they have a 'tarnished brand'...Who knew...I think it shows just how capitalistic our world has become when the murdering of innocent people becomes a commodity and a goverment death squad is regarded as a 'brand'.

A book you should read about 'Xe' is by Jeremy Scahill and is unfortunately named 'Blackwater' (how outdated, right guys!). I'm hoping people can still find this despite the recent name change.

A possibility for this name change could be to coincide with the current rebranding of the US government. New starts and all that...just bear in mind that no matter how many troops get withdrawn from US & UK occupied war zones throughout the world (for the sole purpose of fooling those that believe what the mainstream media tells them, in that they'll think 'the new guys' are doing a great job), these private military armies will still exist, working above the law and killing people whose names 'sound funny to pronounce', not to mention their own. The closing of Guantanmo is a PR stunt, as it'll all be happening 'in house' from now on.

The other day I looked on Google maps at the street I used to live on in Brisbane. I could hone in on my flat and take a virtual walk around my old neighbourhood. Nina's table has now been immortalised for anyone wishing to view 101 Moray Street this way, as we must've been living there still when the little google car came round. I think this proves that this is surely the only realistic way to fight and spy on 'terrorists' in a clandestine way that all of the public can so freely enjoy. We should send the little google car out to document the hills and mountains of Afghanistan, cross the border into Pakistan and then maybe stop for a game of Polo with Mr Bin Laden and various members of the CIA. It'll be a riot and we'll all be involved, because we're all striving for the greater good. We should regulate the internet, report our neighbours for not recycling, we should...oh those have happened already...well at least we're all thinking along the same lines...

I read the other day that there have been 193 fatal shark attacks in Australia in the past 200 years. Less than a person a year has been killed each year. I don't even know what 'less than a person' looks like, but I'd imagine they'd look like they'd just been attacked by a shark. Either way, because we've been told Sharks are 'dangerous', (although the death toll really isn't that high for that length of time in comparison to the amount of sharks being destroyed for soup), and with us invading and having a lack of respect for what is ostensibly their home and their environment, the only rational response, is to try and wipe them off the face of the earth in their own back yard to stop them from doing anything, just on the off chance they were maybe thinking of it. Parallels...metaphors...Orwell...it's interesting to observe that we apply these same principles when it comes to the invasion of other countries because we want to gain something from being in someone else's territory. Human behaviour is consistent if nothing more...especially when it concerns those on earth that are regarded as 'Less Than People'...


This is a great article by the ever incredible John Pilger. Please read...

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