
Torres and the price of oil...

You may remember when I was in Brisbane I posted picures of a bike I built out there, which I affectionately named Torres. Well I became very attached and couldn't bear with parting with the frame (according to bike guys that know around Brisbane when I used to ride it around, it's an old European track frame with sweet 'lugs'...), so I shipped it back with me when I moved home. I managed to get a 'relocation' allowance so it didn't cost that much as extra baggage. Anyway, I left most of it in Brisbane and have been rebuilding since I got home and apart from the paint job (which I don't think I'll change as I like the vintage, rustic charm) it's pretty much finished.

Here he/it is...

Much better...anyway, whilst we're on the subject of bikes, here's Nina swearing at me whilst we went on a ride around Rutland the other week. I think the juxtaposition between the peace and serenity of the countryside and Nina's aggressive gesturing works brilliantly. I've now come to look at it as an art piece, a metaphor for modern times, in that I think what she's really saying is 'fuck you cars and fuck your high petrol prices yeah!'...if only she could drive...


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